Brampton Landlords Protest Against Relaunch Of Rental Licensing Pilot Program

Dozens of Brampton landlords gathered outside city hall to protest the city’s two-year rental licensing pilot, which they believe unfairly penalizes compliant landlords. The Residential Rental Licensing Pilot (RRL) is set to relaunch in five of the city’s wards, with inspections and penalties for property owners who violate property standards.

Protesting Compliance

The landlords, including Azad Goyat, who rents out his basement and first floor to tenants, argue that the pilot fails to support landlords dealing with tenant disputes and instead imposes fines on them. Goyat expressed concern about the enforcement of the bylaw, questioning how landlords can ensure compliance when faced with problem tenants.

Pilot Details

The RRL, launched on Jan. 1, requires landlords with four or fewer units to register with the city. Properties in select wards will be subject to regular inspections, with fines for violations. Critics like Goyat argue that the pilot adds unnecessary inspections and potential fines, placing a burden on property owners.

Enforcement Challenges

Mayor Patrick Brown highlighted the city’s challenge in enforcing property standards, citing up to 100,000 people living in substandard houses and 30,000 illegal rental units. The RRL aims to address this by tracking landlords and the number of occupants annually, helping to identify non-compliance.

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Opposition and Misinformation

Councillor Rowena Santos addressed concerns about misinformation spread by some landlords regarding the pilot’s targets. She clarified that compliant landlords have nothing to fear, as enforcement will be complaint-based, targeting slumlords rather than those following the rules.

LTB Delays and Concerns

Despite the intention to address illegal units, landlords like Goyat expressed concern about delays at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), where complaints have not been heard. The LTB, however, clarified that it does not oversee municipal initiatives like the RRL.

Application Process

Property owners must complete an application form, provide details of the rental unit, and submit a copy of their insurance certificate. The city has waived application fees and 2025 renewal fees for applications made before June 30, but specific fines and penalties for non-compliance have not been revealed.

The relaunch of Brampton’s rental licensing pilot has sparked protests from landlords who fear unfair penalties and enforcement challenges. While the city aims to crack down on illegal units, concerns remain about the impact on compliant landlords and the effectiveness of enforcement measures.

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